1 min read
08 Dec

Did you get a recommendation to consult with an osteopath in Singapore? If so, you must have a lot of questions about it. Allow this article to help you understand what you need to know about them!

What does a cranial osteopath do?
They specialise in cranial osteopathy which involves relieving problems in the nervous system through gentle massaging of some areas of the head to reduce tightness. Usually, they do it on babies!

Who is allowed to perform cranial osteopathy?
Even when osteopathy is often called massage therapy, only osteopaths who have a license and have undergone training can perform it. So, when you are recommended to go to a clinic, ensure that their practitioners are certified first!

How long does one session work?
You have to be free for 30 to 60 minutes a day when you are scheduled to have a consultation with your cranial osteopath. Depending on your practitioner, you can expect to have consultations over weeks or months.

What happens in a cranial osteopathy session?
If you are taking your child for a baby osteopath session, then you must have them anticipate a practitioner using their gentle touch to manipulate some muscles around their head. It is what happens in a typical session, so it is important to get them ready.

How much does it cost?
The cost of an osteopathy therapy will depend on how many sessions that your baby needs. You can rely on the honesty of osteopaths to tell you about the need for many sessions, but ensure that you are with the right clinic! 

Where can I get cranial osteopathy?
In Singapore, you can get the help of a baby osteopath from City Osteopathy & Physiotherapy clinic! You can visit their website to arrange a consultation session with them today.

Click on this link to direct you to their contact page!


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