1 min read
11 Jan

Osteopathy is the best option for patients who experience pain but wants a non-invasive, gentle, and calming treatment for it. Most parents prefer this treatment done to their newborn, which is formally called baby osteopathy treatment. If you are a first-time parent, here’s what you need to know about it:

Reasons for seeking baby osteopathy

What parents don’t know about osteopaths is that they can help their babies for various reasons, commonly when their baby had:

  • A difficult birth
  • Complications with feeding
  • Concerning head shape issues
  • Restricted movement in joint areas, including limbs, neck, and head
  • Sleep only on one side
  • Always crying with concerning sleeping patterns

Ages when to see a baby osteopath

Osteopath clinics in Singapore can treat children of any age, including:

  • Newborns

It is advisable to seek baby osteopaths early on when they had complications at birth.

  • Children

Even at a young age, children can feel pain as an adult. It may take consistent osteopathy massage therapy to help them relieve muscle strain, headaches, or sports injuries.

  • Teenagers

Almost at the same level as an adult, teenagers can get effective treatments from osteopaths to help relieve growth spurts or any symptom that surfaces from a birth strain or falls in their formative years.

What to expect in a treatment?

Osteopaths use gentle soft tissue massages, myofascial techniques, and Cranio-sacral therapy to treat children and babies. Here are the things you could expect from an appointment with them:

  • In-depth assessment of medical history
  • Simplify the concepts of the treatment
  • Ensure that your baby is protected and comfortable
  • Trained and experienced practitioners

Booking with City Osteopathy & Physiotherapy

As a parent, taking your baby to a health professional seems unnerving, but you can trust the baby osteopaths at City Osteopathy & Physiotherapy! They have registered and experienced practitioners who can give you shield the care they need.

Schedule an appointment with them today on their website.


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