1 min read
19 Oct

Babies have delicate bodies, so they need naturopathic doctors, also called baby osteopaths, who can keep them comfortable and calm throughout their delivery. If your doctor recommends that you get their consultation, here is what you can expect from them:

Full body assessment

The birthing process is both physically taxing on the mother and child, especially with complications. An osteopath for babies will assess your baby’s whole body, including the mouth and upper neck to determine all birth tensions that they have acquired. They will lay down treatments once they have detected specific compressions that need to relax.

Remove physical tension

Imbalance to a baby’s natural biorhythm causes discomfort since it tightens up their body tissues. Trained baby osteopaths will gently massage these tensions to aid the baby’s body back to a calming state!

Improve the sleep of your baby

Naturopathy therapy involves determining the sleeping patterns of your baby, then uses it to plan treatment. When an imbalance is detected, they will develop gentle care treatments to help develop a more regular and predictable sleep pattern for your baby!

Help with digestion

The general level of tension can keep your baby’s nervous system in an alert state. This is dangerous since their digestion will work quickly and the milk they consumed is only partially digested. It will ferment in their intestines and produce wind unless their doctors train them to fully relax.

Aid the even growth of teeth

The bones of your baby’s face and jaw are susceptible to birth compressions. These can affect your baby’s mouth breathing which will cause uneven teeth growth. Allow a baby osteopath coax away these birth compressions to give space for their teeth!

Increase the quiet happy spells of your baby with the help of naturopathic doctors! Book an appointment with City Osteopathy & Physiotherapy today!


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