2 min read
28 Jun

Two years ago, I always complained about the pain I felt in my legs. At first, I did not look into it because I thought I might be missing some exercise or just dehydrated. However, it did not take long when I noticed a pattern forming in my legs. It looks like some of my veins are swelling, and it is now showing.

I searched for a vein doctor and had a check-up. That is when I knew that I was experiencing varicose veins. Here are the things that I learned about it:


Varicose Veins are enlarged blood vessels and can usually show as twisted veins. It can be seen anywhere in the body, but particularly in the legs – just like what happened to me.


For you not to experience the pain I endured, you may check if you have done some of these things:

1. Sitting or standing too long. 

Sitting or standing for a long time can increase the pressure in your veins. The veins stretch, then the pressure increases because they do not work correctly. This one is what happened to me two years ago. Because of long hours of work, I rarely get up, so I can finish my job on time.

2. Pregnancy or menopause. 

When I was researching varicose veins, I learned that this usually happens to women. It can be because of the veins that are weakening due to hormonal changes, especially if the woman became pregnant or now in their menopausal stage.

3. Aging. 

Even if varicose veins usually happen to women, 20% of men also experience this. And mainly because of ageing. Though not all the time, ageing can still increase the person’s risk of having it.

4. Overweight.

The cases of varicose veins to overweight is not usual. However, it can still happen if diet and health are not monitored properly.

5. Varicose Veins are in your genes. 

Yes, it can also run in your family’s genes and can be inherited. This scenario is why you should always consult your doctor and take pieces of advice on how you can prevent it from happening.

6. Leg injury.

A leg injury can increase the pressure. This reason is why it is a must to check your legs to avoid having varicose veins.


One thing you can do to avoid it is to check for the signs and symptoms. When I first felt the symptoms, I denied it to myself and treated it as normal pain. So if you feel something, do not ignore it and be checked already. Taking early actions can help you lower the risk of the situation.

If your veins are starting to show a dark purple colour, it looks twisted and swollen, or the area of the veins is itchy, you need to go to a vein doctor immediately. Another symptom would be the cramps and pain that you will feel in your legs. We think that it is some usual issue, but sometimes, it is not.

Aside from the given symptoms above, there are more painful ones that may happen. This part includes the feeling of burning or cramping muscles in your legs, pain that you cannot tolerate while you are sitting or standing for long, and bleeding.


When I went to the doctor for the treatment, the first thing they did was a physical examination – check for any swelling, colour changes, and sores. The doctor will also compare the pain you feel every time you are standing up and sitting down.

The doctor will also do a Sonography if you show other signs. This test will help the vein doctor determine if there are areas affected by blood clots because a different treatment will be done.

While I was on my check-up, the vein doctor told me I should have consulted earlier because my case is close to deep vein thrombosis. I guess I can consider myself lucky to not take the pain any longer. It leads me in proceeding to have a check-up. However, I cannot forget what the doctor told me, so I searched everything about deep vein thrombosis.

The cost may vary on your condition and the number of treatments needed per leg.


Deep vein thrombosis is common in Singapore, and it is almost the same as the varicose veins. However, it includes blood clots in the veins. This condition is worse blood clots is the one thing that requires immediate medical attention as it might spread throughout your body.

Always take care of your health and be aware of the risks. If you need a vein clinic in Singapore, visit Cheng SC Veins and Endovascular’s website to check other services that they offer.

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