1 min read
05 Mar

A lot of adults have been conscious of their bulging, purple varicose veins on either their legs and ankles. With that, they think that some of their habits are the cause of these, which is not entirely true. If you are worried about your varicose veins, then you should know the myths that revolve around it.

  1. Crossing your legs causes it

Vein doctors often receive this kind of enquiry from patients but be assured that it is not true. This condition is caused by increased pressure that causes your blood to pool inside a vein, therefore making it bulge. External pressure could not cause this.

  1. Pregnancy causes it

Likened to the former, pregnancy could not cause the appearance of varicose veins but it can exacerbate it. After delivery, however, it will eventually fade. 

  1. You can cure it with massage

It may sound so convenient but, unfortunately, this would not get rid of your varicose veins. It may help reduce pain and swelling but the most effective way to get it is to get vascular surgery. This would target all the problems that cause your varicose veins.

  1. Women should be treated after they have had a baby

This is not true because the earlier the treatment, the better. Women will benefit more from having a treatment first before pregnancy as it would no longer be exacerbated during the nine months.

  1. It cannot be avoided

You might have heard that if your family has the condition, you would have it too. This is not always the case as they can still be avoided. By maintaining a healthy weight and wearing compression stockings, you would be able to improve the circulation of the blood in your veins.

Looking for a trustworthy vein clinic in Singapore? Get your consultations with Cheng SC Veins and Endovascular! Visit their website for more information.


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