2 min read
02 Nov

Will you be visiting a vascular surgeon in Singapore for the first time anytime soon? Aside from yourself, you also need to prepare some essential things on your initial visit to their clinic. Here are some of the must-have items you shouldn’t forget before leaving your home:


You should wear casual and comfortable clothing when you schedule an appointment with a vascular surgeon. Choose clothes that you can easily remove if the doctor asks you to take them off. Some clinics may provide you with medical gowns and shorts in case you need to change your attire for the examinations.

Medical History

Note of your medical background and history as your doctor will use these information to assess your condition. Some experts link cases of Deep Vein Thrombosis in Singapore to health disorders like cancer. Thus, leading to more severe ailments that may affect your lungs or heart.


List down all symptoms you felt that led you to schedule an appointment with a medical expert. Tell your vascular surgeon all discomfort, numbness, inflammation, redness, or irritations you felt before your check-up. It is essential that you only share with them factual details as it will assist them with their diagnosis of your condition.


Other than your medical history and symptoms, take note of any medication you take to treat your other health conditions. You must indicate the total dosage you took days before your clinic visit. It may influence your spider veins diagnosis as different treatment options from other Singapore medical facilities may be considered by your doctor.


Lastly, discuss with them other medical procedures and examinations you had before you decide on visiting their clinic. Expert spider veins specialists in Singapore like those in Cheng SC Veins and Endovascular may require you to inform them if you already had CT scans, x-rays, MRIs, and angiograms before. Hence, you can visit their website now to book an appointment with them when you haven’t taken any.


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