1 min read
28 May

Affecting millions of people around the world, eczema is an incredibly common skin condition that is most commonly found in babies and children. You’d think that since eczema is so common, a cure would’ve been found for it ages ago, but because of its nature, it has remained incurable to this very day. Thankfully, it is not an infectious disease and it is rarely severe.

Eczema may persist until adulthood for some individuals, or they may disappear around late adolescence. But until then, the individual must live with having to manage its symptoms until they outgrow it. Eczema is a chronic (or long-lasting) condition, but brief periods where symptoms can worsen (also known as flare-ups) can be avoided with proper eczema skin care.

Eczema in babies

Your baby has a higher chance than adults of developing eczema. An estimated 60% of all people with eczema will develop it in the first year after their birth. The causes of eczema in children can vary, but the most common ones can be triggered by allergens such as pollen, dust, or pet dander, other underlying conditions, or maybe because the individual’s family has a running streak of eczema in their genetics.

 If you suspect that your baby may have eczema, take them to a doctor immediately.

Treating babies with eczema

As the parent of a baby with eczema, you will have to take on a lot of responsibility in maintaining their health. Eczema, if left untreated, can be very damaging to a baby’s skin and its symptoms can be uncomfortable for the child. The characteristic itchiness that comes with the skin condition can disrupt your baby’s sleep cycles. Learning how to treat it and avoid flareups is key to letting your baby lead a happy and normal life. Below are the top three things you need to do to effectively treat your baby’s eczema.

  1. Use appropriate medicines. Not all eczema treatment creams are safe for babies to use. But they still need good skincare products and medicines to effectively treat the symptoms. Ask your doctor about skincare products suitable for your baby.
  2. Bathe your baby regularly. A good bathing routine will help safeguard your baby against infections and flareups. Remember to use a mild cleanser for your baby, lukewarm water, and gentle washing. The bath should last no longer than 15 minutes.
  3. Avoid irritants and allergens. Itchy fabrics, harsh cleansers or soaps, and hot or humid temperatures are some of the common triggers of eczema. Limiting your child’s exposure to them is always a good idea.

Learn more about the best anti-itch creams for eczema and other similar products at Mummybrand, a company in Singapore that provides skin care products to relieve eczema symptoms.

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