1 min read
07 Aug

Living with eczema-prone skin is difficult. Your skin is so sensitive that it gets easily dry and scaly if it’s exposed to different irritants. Once your eczema acts up, you’ll have the urge to always scratch your skin. The good news is that there are now eczema treatment creams available for relieving itch and repairing eczema prone-skin. Here’s how you can choose the right cream for you: 

  1. Purchase Creams with Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Once your immune system detects any eczema symptoms, it will cause excessive inflammation to the affected area. So, find out what are the ingredients of an eczema cream and check for anti-inflammatory properties. 

  1. Look for Low-Water Content Creams

If an eczema treatment cream has low water content, then it means that it contains little to no preservatives. This is great for eczema sufferers since it will prevent skin irritations and infections.

  1. Choose Moisturizing Botanicals

Watch out for creams that compose of formaldehyde releasers. These are chemicals that might irritate the skin. Instead, choose those with “moisturising botanicals”. These are natural ingredients that often came from plant extracts and herbs. 

  1. Find Mild Products

Avoid creams with strong fragrances since these will cause flare-ups. Go with unscented eczema treatment creams. Mild and gentle creams are one of the best relief topical products for relieving itch and treating blisters. 

  1. Consult a Dermatologist

If you are still not sure what you should choose after trying the tips above, then you should consult a dermatologist. They are healthcare experts when it comes to skincare treatments for eczema-prone skin. They can help you choose the right cream. 

Unfortunately, when you have eczema, it doesn’t permanently go away after treating it. However, you can better manage it and prevent any flare-ups with the help of various eczema treatment creams in Singapore. 

Looking for one of the best anti-itch creams for eczema? Check out Mummy Brand now!


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