2 min read
05 May

Skin eczema is a skin condition also known as atopic dermatitis. It is a common condition that affects almost everybody once or several times in our lives. It causes redness and itchiness on our skin which can lead to discomfort, irritation, and to some, low self-esteem.

Fortunately, people affected by eczema can find relief from using over the counter eczema moisturizing cream and other ointments that can minimize itching. In this article, we will share with you the common triggers of eczema and how you can avoid them.

Cold and Dry Air

Some of us might note that their eczema flares up during the cold season. The reason behind that is quite simple. When the climate gets colder, the air becomes dry. The dryness of the air causes our skin to lack moisture, which in turn causes itch due to dryness. Thus, during cold seasons, it is important to apply eczema treatment creams and mild moisturizers to prevent the flare-up.


When we get stressed, a hormone in our body called cortisol is triggered to act. Cortisol cause and increases body inflammation which triggers eczema from breaking out. Try to think of it as a sign that your body is stressed out. Calming yourself often works when your eczema is triggered by stress.

Submerging in water

Some people might say that they experience eczema breakout after submerging in the water for some time. This can be true as water, ironically, drains the moisture on our skin. Exposure to unclean water may also trigger eczema. To avoid a flare-up, you have to ensure a proper eczema skincare routine after swimming or dipping in your tub.


Aside from food allergies, there are instances where food can cause eczema. Certain foods such as sugar, red meat, dairy products, and carbohydrates often cause inflammation. You can test which food triggers your eczema by trying and skipping. For instance, if you have a flare-up after eating red meat, try to avoid eating them and see if the condition alleviates.


Certain fabrics such as wool and polyester can be irritating to your skin, causing eczema to break out. If your skin reddens after wearing a certain fabric, you have to take that fabric down from your wardrobe. It is also advisable to wear natural fabrics and avoid synthetic ones.

There is no specific trigger to eczema. The skin condition follows a case to case basis, making it difficult to get specific treatment. However, applying eczema moisturizing cream with mild and natural ingredients can lessen the irritation. Avoiding what possibly triggers your eczema can also help.

Need a trusted and proven-effective eczema treatment cream? Visit Mummybrand today!


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