1 min read
09 Nov

Pregnancy is a challenge for both mothers and fathers. However, moms have to deal with more changes from how their body looks to their mental well being. Some even deal with the divarication of recti or postpartum depression. Although being a new dad is also not easy, it’s better to learn how to support your wife as part of your postnatal care in Singapore

So, here’s how husbands can support their wives after pregnancy: 

Cook for the Family 
Indeed, both of you - mother and father - feel tired of taking care of the baby. However, your wife may still adjust to their new body after the pregnancy; she may even deal with post partum belly. So, try to cook for your family their favourite food to let them know you are by their side. 

Be Hands-On With the Baby 
You may feel tired after a long day of work. However, thinking of your newborn baby can make your day a little bit better. Hence, don’t forget to be hands-on with taking care of the baby too. You can cuddle, feed, or bathe the baby. Plus, your wife can get a rest too.

Emotional Support 
As new parents, it’s not easy to enter parenthood, especially with newborns. You may sometimes argue with each other over little things. Being husbands and wives, don’t forget to establish open communication for emotional support as part of postnatal care. 

Parenthood may take a toll on your health. Fathers may struggle with anxiety or even depression, while mothers can experience the divarication of recti. When the baby sleeps, grab this opportunity to look after yourself. You can do diastasis recti exercises with your wife that can enrich the relationship too.

Go to the Doctor Together
Mothers deal more with physical health complications, such as divarication of recti or urinary incontinence in Singapore. So, as the husband, assist your wife in going to the doctor for support. This way, it can also be a bonding experience as a married couple. 

Make the first few months of parenthood less stressful with Orchard Clinic, where they can assist you with their postnatal care services in Singapore. So, contact them to book your checkup appointment.


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