1 min read
23 Feb

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Acupuncture is very beneficial. TCM reduces stress, reduces joint pain, enhances mental clarity and many more. To get the most out of it, you should know how to prepare for a TCM acupuncture session. Luckily, this article will guide you through how to prepare for your first TCM acupuncture in Singapore.

  1. Schedule On Your Free Day

First thing you should do is to schedule your TCM Acupuncture on your free day. You should avoid stressful activity before or after the session. Hence, schedule your free day so you can relax and enjoy your TCM session. 

  1. Eat First

Remember, do not go into your TCM session with a full stomach or an empty stomach. It is advisable to eat two hours before the session, and avoid spicy or fried foods. In doing so, you’ll be able to make the most of your TCM acupuncture with a happy stomach. 

  1. Avoid Caffeine

Coffee is a stimulant that increases your heart rate and stains your tongue. Drinking coffee makes it hard for the acupuncturist to read your accurate reading on your pulse. So, do whatever you can to avoid caffeine before a TCM acupuncture session.

  1. Wear Comfortable Clothes

If you wear comfortable or loose clothes, it will be easier for the acupuncturist to place needles in your body. It is advisable to wear shorts or dresses that are soft and stretchable. That way, it will be easier for you to enjoy your TCM Acupuncture session. 

  1. Avoid Being Stressed

If you are stressed, your pulse is higher, and your mind is cluttered. Remember, a TCM acupuncture treatment is more applicable when you are relaxed and calm. Better yet, don’t rush things and allot a free day for your TCM Acupuncture session.

Now that you know how to prepare for your TCM Acupuncture, you should book an appointment with Thomson Chinese Medicine in Singapore. So, visit their website at https://www.thomsontcm.sg/


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