1 min read
05 Apr

Traditional Chinese medicine has truly stood through the test of time. After hundreds of years, TCM remains one of the most popular all-natural treatments globally. TCM in Singapore is also thriving up to this date. A TCM clinic can be found in Singapore malls, streets and CBD.  If you are planning to undergo traditional Chinese medicine in Singapore, know the answers to FAQs about TCM.

  1.  Does Traditional Chinese Medicine Work?

TCM has been practised in its country of origin, China, hundreds of years before the arrival of science-based medical practice. Some studies showed TCM has positive effects on the body. An example is acupuncture for fertility. Women who have undergone acupuncture for fertility had been recorded having improved reproductive health. 

  1. Is Traditional Chinese Medicine Safe?

A TCM physician should have a licence to practice. TCM practitioners are obligated to complete the necessary credentials and requirements before performing the practice in a TCM clinic in Singapore. There are regulating bodies that oversee TCM as well.  

  1.  Can TCM Cure Illnesses?

Although TCM has positive effects on the body, it cannot entirely cure illnesses, especially severe ones. It can provide relief to minor discomforts such as headache, muscle pain and such. Most people go to TCM clinics in Singapore to maintain their health. 

  1. Does Acupuncture Hurt?

One of the most popular traditional Chinese medicine methods in Singapore is acupuncture. Acupuncture uses fine needles that are so fine, they don't cause a pricking sensation, unlike injections. The needles used are all clean and sterile.

  1. Are TCM herbs safe?

TCM is also known for their herbs. TCM herbs are safe as long as they are prescribed by your licenced TCM physician and produced legally. Loose TCM products are circulating in the market. Be cautious when buying one. 

Get an all-natural and holistic approach to your health with Thomson Chinese Medicine. Thomson Chinese Medicine provides safe and effective TCM practices in Singapore. Book an appointment with Thomson Chinese Medicine today. 


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