1 min read
09 Mar

Humans are susceptible to habits that they are not even aware of, including exercises that they think benefits them but it actually does not. So, if you think you are making this mistake, then it must be time for you to switch up your workout! 

Here are the reasons why this change is beneficial:

  1. Avoid overuse injuries

A repetitive strain injury is caused by putting your body through the same motions over and over again. This happens when you do lots of repetitive motions such as doing the same swimming strokes. Try stepping it up with a ballet body workout where all your muscles can be stretched!

  1. Prevent workout boredom

You have to keep your workouts exciting to prevent yourself from losing motivation! Remember that there are a lot of workout trends that are always emerging like Zumba classes and ballet fitness classes that you might find more enjoyable. 

  1. Meet new workout partners

Seeing the same faces in your local gym could reach a level of familiarity that can turn into something spiteful. Thus, if you want a mix of new workout friends, then you should get out of your comfort zone and explore! 

  1. Keep your brain healthy

It is said that learning new skills helps your neurons to stay active and exercising is a way to keep them that way. So, if you want to prevent memory loss, explore other activities that require some skill and memorisation like ballet-based workouts or ballroom dancing.

  1. Maintain your excitement about your exercise

Being motivated to stay fit is different from enjoying a workout. Assess your energy when you are going to your local gym to do your workout because if you are already thinking about your bed, then it is time to get a new workout.

Thinking about applying for a ballet fitness class in Singapore? Try them out with BalletBody! Visit their website to know about their class rates.


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