1 min read
07 Jun

Eczema is a very common skin problem especially in areas with a dry and hot climate like Singapore. Although eczema rarely has a complication, managing the itchiness is still crucial to stay comfortable while your skin is healing. They often say that proper eczema skincare will make the itch go away fast, but how exactly should you do that?

When talking about solutions for eczema, the first thing that comes to our mind is the use of eczema cream. They are, after all, good for relieving eczema itch and has antibacterial properties. But did you ever wonder what’s in the tube of your eczema cream? What ingredients should you look for when choosing the best cream to fight eczema? Here we will answer that question. Below are the ingredients that make an eczema cream effective.


Petrolatum is another term for petroleum jelly. Most of us probably know that petroleum jelly is safe even for babies. Petrolatum is often used in most skincare products due to its natural moisturizing ability. That being said, petroleum jelly is a good component in an eczema cream since it moisturizes the affected area without any side effects.

Silicone gel

The worst thing that goes with having eczema is the scars left behind due to constant scratching. Silicone gel is an effective and natural ingredient to rid of scarring. It repairs the broken skin without causing further irritation, making it a good ingredient for eczema creams.


We might have come across the term “glycerin” while looking for bath soaps and lotions. Glycerin is an antibacterial compound that works through various layers of the skin to rid of bacteria and repair damages. It is also an important ingredient in eczema treatment cream due to its anti-itch properties.

Hyaluronic Acid

If you have sensitive skin, finding a good eczema cream can be difficult. Trying out various products can worsen your skin irritation instead of healing it. Should you have skin prone to irritation? Look for eczema cream with hyaluronic acid for healing with no side effect.


Natural ceramide can be found inside our body, particularly, in our skin. It helps in advancing the healing process by repairing damages. An eczema moisturizing cream with ceramide can heal your skin faster and improve the healing of eczema scar.

Looking for the best eczema cream in Singapore? Trust Mummybrand now and heal your skin fast!


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