2 min read
14 Oct

You better hope you won't experience foot pain soon, especially plantar fasciitis. It's one of the most uncomfortable feelings I've ever experienced!

Plantar fasciitis is a type of heel pain that occurs if you put enough pressure on your feet. Repetitive stress could lead to heel pain, which is why you must prevent it from happening.

When I experienced heel pain, I had to visit a podiatry clinic. During this period, I underwent plantar fasciitis treatment in Singapore. The doctor told me the injury was the result of overexercising and lack of rest. They were right, considering how I keep exercising after work for almost six times a week.

The foot and ankle specialist in the Singapore clinic advised me to wear orthotic insoles.

Orthotic insoles or flat foot insoles are a popular treatment in Singapore that focuses on relieving heel pain. At first, I laughed at the idea—doubting how such a treatment could solve my foot problem. But when I tried it on, I felt a gradual recovery as time flew by.

What was the experience like? What are the benefits of wearing custom shoe insoles?

Perfect for athletes

I'm not an athlete, but I do engage in regular exercises at the gym. As such, these custom shoe insoles are like a blessing from above. During my first day, the feeling of wearing these insoles was almost unmatched by anything I've ever experienced.

The insoles are perfect for athletes because they give an advantage for the wearer. The purpose is to prevent the injury from worsening post-treatment. The insoles act like a post-treatment recovery tool to speed up the healing process.

Maximum comfort

Comfort is probably my favourite reason why I wear these insoles daily. Since your feet's size will determine the shape of your insoles, it improves the quality of comfort. The insoles are made to be comfortable and relaxing.

The custom insoles are not only great for post-treatment recovery, but they're also brilliant for daily use, regardless if you're injured or not! Even after my foot has healed, I continued to wear the custom insoles. 

If you own a pair of orthotic insoles here in Singapore, I suggest you keep it for the sake of comfort. It's the only reason why I keep investing in these insoles!

The solution for flat feet

Everyone's feet are a little different, which is why most shoes feel unique compared to others. The problem is that some people experience flat feet, myself included.

With flat feet, it's a gamble to purchase comfortable shoes. Not all shoes are created equal, making it difficult to pick the right pair without wearing them first.

However, with the custom insoles, I can finally live more freely. Never should I worry about the shoes I wear thanks to these comfortable insoles! I recommend wearing one in case you have flat feet.

If you're looking for a foot and ankle specialist in Singapore, go to ECPC, also known as East Coast Podiatry Clinic!

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