1 min read
05 Jun

Our feet are working hard every day. They carry our weight and help us move around with ease. Like any other part of our body, they can be subject to injuries or problems. They need proper care to ensure they're protected from any health issues.

Here are some tips to keep your feet in good condition at all times.

  1. Choose shoes with the proper fit. This is the simplest way you can care for your foot and ankle. Don't settle for a shoe size that is too small or narrow for your feet. This can result in foot deformities and other issues. Note as well that our foot size may change throughout the day. If you're buying shoes, it's best to do it toward the end of the day when our feet are at their most swollen. Also, leave enough room for your feet to breathe. If you're unsure about your actual foot size, go ask the shoe store personnel for assistance.
  1. Let your feet breathe. Closed shoes can offer a certain level of comfort. But for your feet to be able to breathe, make it a point to wear open toe shoes, sandals, or flip flops on other days. Avoid wearing the same pair of shoes every day. Alternate if possible to avoid feet deformities.
  1. Alternate your footwear. If possible, do not wear the same pair of shoes every day. And once your shoes get damaged or worn, let them go or repair them immediately. If the shoes have already reached the end of their lifespan, it may be better to replace them with something new. Be sure to invest in shoes that provide your feet with ample support.
  1. Avoid going barefoot. Do your best to limit your time spent barefoot. Going barefoot in communal places may expose your feet to fungi and bacteria that can cause infections. Athlete's foot cure is easily accessible but it’s better if you can prevent the need for so. Even when you are at home, make it a habit to wear something on for your feet. This will prevent injuries and punctures.
  1. Maintain good feet hygiene. Wash your feet with soap and water regularly. Dry it completely, paying special attention between your toes, before putting on socks or shoes. Depending on your personal needs, you can also use lotion, moisturizer, or foot powder. If possible, keep your feet dry. When your feet are kept clean at all times, this will help minimize chances of sustaining infection or injuries. But in case you experience any soreness or injury on your feet, don't delay getting them examined by a foot pain specialist in Singapore.
  1. Always have your feet checked. Have your feet checked regularly either on your own or with the help of a foot and ankle specialist in Singapore. Should you notice any issues or anything unusual, let a professional look into it further. Changes in the color, shape, or size of your feet can indicate foot problems. Setting an appointment with a specialist will help prevent the foot issues from progressing. This will also prevent the need for complex treatments.


 Take foot and ankle care seriously. Prevention is always more convenient and cost-effective than cure

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