2 min read
15 Mar

Spider veins are tiny, twisted, and web-like purple blood veins and blood vessels that typically appear in the legs and on the face. Unlike varicose veins, spider veins in Singapore are superficial and do not necessarily pose a health hazard; more often considered a cosmetic problem. But it doesn't mean you should not consult a vein clinic in Singapore: 

Without spider vein treatment in Singapore, these superficial veins can be dangerous to your health. Here are the health risks of untreated spider veins:

  1. Spider veins can cause discomfort.

Spider veins are typically painless and do not have symptoms. But chronic spider veins often show symptoms, such as swelling in the legs and ankle, warmth and tenderness in the affected area, and skin discolouration near the spider vein site. 

  1. Spider veins can lead to varicose veins. 

Untreated spider veins in Singapore can lead to varicose veins. Varicose veins are enlarged, twisted, and bulging veins in the legs and ankles. Varicose veins can lead to other complications, such as skin ulcers and swelling. 

  1. Spider veins can be an indication of deep vein thrombosis in Singapore.

Deep vein thrombosis or DVT in Singapore is a venous problem where blood clots form in deep veins in any part of the body, more often in the legs. DVT can be lethal if it results in pulmonary embolism. 

People with spider veins have a higher chance to develop DVT. 

  1. Spider veins can be an indication of chronic venous insufficiency (CVI).

Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) means that your venous wall and valves in the legs are working inefficiently, trapping the blood in your legs instead of letting it flow back to the heart. 

  1. Spider veins can cause minor internal bleeding.

Spider veins mean there is immense pressure on your capillaries. The pressure and weak external force, such as scratching the skin above the site, can bust your fragile capillaries and cause internal bleeding. 

Do not ignore your spider veins. Visit your vein clinic in Singapore immediately on the first signs. 

Do you need a spider vein treatment in Singapore? Visit Cheng SC Vein and Endovascular Clinic today.


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