2 min read
14 Sep

Similar to vital medical operations, cosmetic surgeries and treatment may pose some risks. At the end of the day, not all procedures are 100% guaranteed safe. There is always a chance of complications. Although a nose thread lift treatment in Singapore does not have any crucial health risk, it is better to prepare for possible encounters. 

Here are the possible risks of cosmetic treatments:

  1. Uneven or unnatural results

There are cosmetic procedures, like face fillers, that have uneven or unnatural results. Sometimes the results do not fit the natural ratio of the face or the body. Patients can avoid this from happening by consulting a reputable clinic and doctor. Expert doctors know exactly how much profhilo treatment your skin needs in Singapore. 

  1. Infection

All operations that involve cutting or piercing the skin have infection risks. Infection happens when tools used in the surgery are unsterilised or when the aftercare of the wounds is poor. Non-invasive treatments like HIFU treatment in Singapore have a smaller chance of infection. 

  1. Hematoma

Hematoma is the collection of blood clots outside the blood vessels. Its appearance is similar to a bruise. Hematoma is a common complication of medical treatments, including cosmetic procedures. Visit your doctor if you notice symptoms of hematoma after your fat freeze treatment in Singapore.

  1. Scarring

Most surgeries produce scarring, not unless you opt for many advanced operations with smaller incisions that create unnoticeable scars. Fortunately, some treatments minimise the appearance of scars. Modern nose thread lift in Singapore today is a few to no scars procedure. 

  1. Depression

Cosmetic surgeries are supposed to lift the confidence of the patient by improving their physical appearance. However, the stigma on plastic surgeries and similar procedures severely affects the mental health of patients who have undergone cosmetic procedures. 

Some ways to prevent these risks from materialising is choosing a reputable clinic and doctor and taking the care of pre-surgery and post-surgery seriously. 

Shiro Aesthetic Clinic provides cosmetic treatments, including fat freeze treatment in Singapore.  Visit Shiro Aesthetic Clinic today. 


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