1 min read
11 Oct

When I reached my 30’s, wrinkles and fine lines started appearing all around my face. Even though there weren’t many wrinkles, I still feel bothered whenever I look in the mirror. I feel so old and it greatly affected my confidence. I tried different creams and added anti-ageing serums, but nothing worked. So, I decided to consult a skin doctor about it.

I found an aesthetic clinic that seems like a reliable one thanks to an officemate. She had been going through the same dilemmas before but she was able to overcome it thanks to her skin doctor. Since it seems like the treatment that she got from that skin doctor worked, I decided to try it out myself.

When I went for a consultation, the doctor recommended me to get a HIFU treatment. He said that it can help tighten the skin around my face, and at the same time, it will smoothen and improve its appearance. He assured me that it is not going to be painful and that the recovery time is fast enough. Because of this, I agreed to get the treatment.

During the Treatment

First, they applied an ultrasound gel all over my face and then started using the Ultraformer HIFU device. As soon as they began the treatment, I felt warm to hot pulses on my skin. It was not painful nor too uncomfortable so I still feel quite relaxed throughout the treatment. I even felt like sleeping at that time. After an hour and a half, the treatment is already finished. I was surprised by how fast the whole procedure was because there are a lot of wrinkles and fine lines under my eyes and around my forehead. It made me wonder if this treatment is really going to work.

After the Treatment

As for the minor effects, my looked a little bit swollen and puffier than before. It doesn’t look too bothersome so I can still go out and hang out with my friends. I was glad that the swollenness lasted only for two days because I can finally go back to work and resume whatever was scheduled for the week. After a few months, I noticed the improvements and after-effects of the treatment. I no longer looked like I was too stressed and old because the wrinkles and fine lines were finally gone! My skin also feels softer and smoother. It became even better as the time goes by. It is like I am aging backwards. Thanks to all these improvements on my skin, my confidence greatly increased! No longer do I feel insecure and ugly anymore. I can flaunt my face in front of a large crowd without feeling cautious.

I have to say, their HIFU technology in Singapore is superb. It is truly safe and effective! There were no side effects that happened on my skin! It only made it better and younger-looking.

If you are looking for an effective HIFU treatment in Singapore, I highly recommend Assurance. Their skin doctors in Singapore helped me bring back my youthful and glowing skin because of the HIFU treatment that they provided.

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