2 min read
04 Dec

When I had experienced recurring heel pain, it was so painful that I had difficulties in walking. I had to walk on tiptoe on the left foot (which is the affected one)  just to prevent from feeling the pain. Sometimes, the ache disappears but then it comes back after a few days. Because of this, I decided to consult a podiatrist. 

I asked my friends for some recommendations, and luckily they knew a reliable podiatrist. So, I went to the clinic of the said podiatrist and arranged an appointment. Good thing, he is available on the date of what I have chosen. 

During the consultation, I learned that the reason for the recurring pain was plantar fasciitis. 

When I learned I had it, I thought I would never be able to walk properly again. He told me that it was going to keep hurting for more than a month if left untreated. I was advised that I should not wait for it to heal because it will just keep on coming back. And if I refuse to get treated, it would be more difficult to heal in the future. Upon hearing this, I did not hesitate to go through the treatment process. Their podiatrist recommended me to get a shockwave therapy to help ease the pain. Custom insoles and sports taping would help too. 

Shockwave Therapy and Sports Taping

I was glad to know that the shockwave therapy doesn’t involve surgeries and injections. It is a non-invasive treatment that quickly improves the condition of heel pain and other foot problems. When I went for the treatment, I was surprised that it didn’t feel too uncomfortable at all. In fact, I felt relaxed the whole time I was getting treated. I went for five sessions, and it helped ease up the pain that I felt because of plantar fasciitis. 

I also learned that there were two types of shockwave therapy. The first one is radial and the other one is focused. Both treatments are safe and effective because I incurred no wounds nor further complications after the treatment. 

Every after session of shockwave therapy, the podiatrist would put on sports tape on the affected area. It was said that it would help stabilise the affected foot since it inhibits excessive movements that might worsen the pain. I was expecting it to be a bit restricting but it didn’t. It is stretchable but durable enough to offer proper support on my left foot. 

Custom Insoles

Aside from the shockwave therapy, I was advised to get custom insoles. I agreed and then went through a series of clinical examinations. After I got the results, the podiatrist examined it and I was asked to undergo musculoskeletal assessment and a 3D foot scan. After that, I was told to come back after a few days for insole fitting.

I thought that once I got the insoles, that’s it. I’d just have to wear it most of the time. I was surprised to know that I still have to come back after every six months to check my condition.

I highly recommend East Coast Podiatry’s heel pain treatments in Singapore. Their shockwave therapy, sports taping and custom insoles in Singapore work like wonders in treating plantar fasciitis!

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