1 min read
15 Oct

You’ve probably heard of Pilates, a fitness system designed to ease low back pain and improve balance, especially for old people. But have you heard of Clinical Pilates in Singapore?

Know more about Clinical Pilates and why it’s worth trying out.

1. Improve stability

One of the key essentials of clinical pilates is to strengthen the muscles. This will result in providing your body with a stronger foundation.

2. Effective physical therapy

Clinical Pilates is commonly practised to recover the body after injuries. The physical therapist should evaluate the patient's body and assess how Clinical Pilates can target weak areas to strengthen each one.

3. Correct posture

Posture plays an essential role in our everyday lives. Thankfully, Clinical Pilates can help strengthen the patient's muscles to promote a stable and balanced posture.

4. Reduce neck and low back pain

Elderly people commonly experience neck pain and low back pain. This is why many elderlies practise Clinical Pilates to reduce neck and low back pain as it's an effective form of physical therapy.

5. Improve flexibility

The older we get, the more it gets dangerous to live in a sedentary lifestyle. Clinical Pilates is one of the solutions as it improves flexibility by stretching muscles to prevent injuries.

6. Improve over health

The goal of Clinical Pilates is to strengthen the core foundation of the body, which will result in improving the body's overall health. Practise Clinical Pilates to give boost your endurance, flexibility, and overall strength.

With all the provided benefits, it's no surprise why many people practise Clinical Pilates. If you want to strengthen your body in other ways, try the Gyrotonic workout method in Singapore to see if it's your preferred style.

If you have scoliosis, visit an expert in Singapore immediately. Visit Core Fitness as soon as possible!

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