1 min read
17 Jan

Did you know? Sending elderly parents to a private nursing home in Asia is still a conservative idea, including in a diverse country like Singapore But as the time goes by with the advancement to holistic care increases, many people like you faced with more decisions.

To help you decide whether or not it’s for them to stay in a private nursing home, here are some signs you need to consider.

  1. They need 24/7 medical care and attention,

  2. Can no longer do household chores

  3. Forgetting going to check-ups

  4. Elderly parents can’t drive or use public transportation

  5. Skipping meals

  6. Can no longer eat solid foods

  7. Doesn’t have an appetite

  8. Sudden and unexplained weight loss

  9. They can no longer do their personal hygiene routine

  10. Forgetting to drink their prescribed medication

  11. Need continues maintenance

  12. Fragile to move around

  13. They can longer properly see or hear 

  14. Their Alzheimer got worse to the point they did physically hurt you

  15. Always getting lost or wander outside

  16. Your health is significantly declining

  17. Your sick, and to prepare for your upcoming surgery

  18. People around you are suffering

  19. Too much work responsibilities in the office

  20. Family and friends continuously encouraging to look for options

  21. You tried elderly day care but isn’t sufficient

  22. Lack of financial support for in-home services

  23. Having daily anxiety

  24. Can’t control anger management

  25. Social Withdrawal from everything you used to enjoy

  26. Physically Exhausted

  27. You are mental health is suffering from overthinking

  28. You can’t sleep well at night due to endless worries

  29. You can no longer have the ability to focus at work

  30. Have kids to take care of

  31. You meet your elderly parent’s demand

  32. You are single and doesn’t have a spouse

If these signs are the majority sounds familiar to you and your elderly parents, then it’s time to convince them to stay at a private nursing home. But, if you already convinced them to stay, then try looking for nursing home operators like Orange Valley in Singapore and see if their services are trustworthy to take care of your parents.

Resources: https://jiechou.kinja.com/32-signs-it-s-time-to-convince-elderly-parents-to-stay-1841680414?rev=1581647370803 

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