1 min read
02 Jul

Many are unaware that some parts of their body need the most care because they are used every day. These are the feet and the ankle! So, if you have trouble with your feet and ankle before, then you might want to seek the help of a podiatrist to address these issues with you medically.

Here are the times you should go to a podiatry clinic near you in Singapore!

  1. Your family doctor told you 

You might be the kind of person who dismisses pain they feel in their body unless a professional told you that it is serious. Then, when a family doctor tells you that your feet pain needs medical attention, you should seek one immediately!

  1. There is swelling after an activity

If you have been doing a job that requires a lot of standing, then you should take care of your feet. But, if your feet had swelled up more than they used to, even with your regular care, then you should seek a podiatrist who can indicate an injury or blood clot on your feet.

  1. Numbness in one or both feet

Have you been experiencing a loss of sensation during hours of the morning or night? Then, it might be a sign of neuropathy. This should prompt you to go to a podiatrist before your condition worsens!

  1. You are having problems with balance

When you have had enough sleep, no visual issues, and have the right levels of blood pressure, then you should not experience balance problems. But, if you did it might be a symptom of needing custom orthotics from podiatrists in Singapore. These will help you regain stability and reduce falls!

  1. You have stubborn calluses

Have you seen signs of growth on your big toe joint area? If yes, then this is a sign that you might have bunions wherein you develop a bony bump extending from your big toe joint. Do not worry because there are bunions treatments without surgery now!

Have you experienced one of these? If yes, then you should book an appointment with ECPC, an adult and children foot clinic, today! Visit their website to get in touch with them.


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