1 min read
12 Mar

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in Singapore believes that women who have given birth become weak. They could not stand exposing themselves to cold air. As a result, they tend to get sick quickly. That is why the TCM clinic in Singapore offers confinement treatment. It helps new mums to recover their stress from childbirth. So, if you have plans to visit one, here are the postpartum care you can expect from them.

30 to 40 Days of Seclusion
This period is necessary to help new mums replenish their "Qi" and blood. Every TCM clinic in Singapore would tell you to spend your time resting and laying down your bed. So, make sure you avoid doing household chores. Otherwise, you would not regain your strength, and your pelvis would not heal well.

Food is Medicine
Traditional Chinese Medicine in Singapore believes that nourishing the body with food is better than any medicine. Not only would it aid you, but it would also increase your breastmilk. Just make sure you use the confinement herbs list you got from a TCM clinic. They are a necessary ingredient for your recovery.

Drink Red Date or Longan Tea
Aside from water, these two beverages would keep you hydrated and warm at the same time. As a result, you would be able to replenish the blood you lost during childbirth. So, make sure to drink this at least once a day.

Bath in Confinement Herbs
As the days of seclusion goes on, the TCM doctor would allow you to take a bath, but only in confinement herbs. This kind of bath improves the blood circulation in your body and even reduces the pain and swelling you get from childbirth.

More or less, the TCM clinic would only offer you some herbs you need to take.

As you can see, the postpartum care of TCM is a lot different from the myths you have heard. So, fret not when visiting a TCM clinic in Singapore like Thomson Chinese Medicine. Remember, the things written above are mostly the things you could expect when you go to one. 


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