2 min read
22 Mar

People who have physical injuries and body pain seek physical therapy in Singapore for rehabilitation. This treatment is not limited to adults and elderlies only. Most physiotherapy clinics have a baby osteopath to give gentle and child-appropriate physical therapy in Singapore. However, there are still false rumours that surround physiotherapy. This article will help unveil the truths regarding physiotherapy.

MISCONCEPTION #1:  Physiotherapy is Painful
It is normal to feel pain or discomfort when during and after your physiotherapy in Singapore. But the pain will only last for at least one day. The fact is, your therapists make an effort to reduce your discomfort. It can be painful at the start, but relief will soon come after.

MISCONCEPTION #2: Physiotherapy is for Sports Injuries Only
Athletes are known to seek sports physiotherapy in Singapore for sports injuries. Contrary to what everyone believes, anyone can undergo physiotherapy in Singapore. People who have suffered injuries due to accidents, people who have been paralysed due to stroke, pregnant women and children can avail of this rehabilitation treatment. You can even find a baby osteopath in physiotherapy clinics!

MISCONCEPTION #3: Physiotherapy is Just Exercises
Physiotherapists create a designed exercise programme for your body needs. These are not ordinary physical activities but rather customised exercises appropriate for the current condition of your body. Sports physiotherapy in Singapore may consist of different exercises programmes designed for particular injuries. 

MISCONCEPTION #4: Physiotherapy is Just Massages
Massages are just a part of physiotherapy treatment. These are not ordinary massages as well. These massages are specifically designed to relieve muscle tightness, release tissue stresses and alleviate joint stiffness. 

MISCONCEPTION #5: Physiotherapy is Not for Children
Contrary to the belief, children, especially babies, are also experiencing discomfort. Babies, for example, may obtain strains during childbirth as they pass through the narrow birth canal. Due to the baby's soft and delicate bones, the baby osteopath practices gentle physical therapy. Kids suffering from sports injuries can also undergo therapy. 

Get the best holistic approach to your body pain and discomfort at City Osteopathy & Physiotherapy. Book an appointment with City Osteopathy & Physiotherapy today!


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