2 min read
18 Jan

Skin illnesses and irritation is a common problem among kids. With Singapore's dry season and children's unstoppable dirty indoor and outdoor activity make them susceptible to skin diseases. We know how irritating it is to feel an itch all over your body. As parents and adults, we want our kids to avoid these skin diseases as much as possible. Here are the most common skin diseases children get during summer.

Heat Rash

Heat rash or prickly heat is caused by clogged sweat glands. The part of skin with blocked sweat glands reddens with red spots and blisters and becomes very itchy. It usually appears on the neck, elbows and thighs. To relieve the itch and irritation, keep the skin cool. As much as possible, dress your kids and babies in breathable clothes. Make sure that the affected area is not covered with any clothing. Using cooling lotion or ointment is unnecessary.


Children get sunburn when their skin is directly exposed to the hot sun for a long period of time. The affected area becomes bright red and has a painful or tingling sensation when touched. For prevention, apply SPF 30 sunscreen on the skin for protection. Use an umbrella if walking under the sun.

For sunburn treatment, let the affected area cool down. Baths and washing can ease the pain. You can apply moisturizer and soothing lotion on the affected area. Keep your kids hydrated.


Eczema affects children and babies more than adults. Children and babies with a history of eczema are more prone to flare-ups during summer. Patches of skin become bright red, scaly, rough, itchy and inflamed. Food, as well as environmental factors, can trigger eczema flare-ups. Dermatologists recommend eczema creams suitable for babies which are widely available in Singapore. Mild soap, moisturizer and eczema cream are effective in soothing the inflamed skin. Do not scratch the affected area.

Insect Bites

Insect bites can cause itching and irritation on the skin. The bite area usually becomes red and swollen. For prevention, apply insect repellent on the exposed skin. Stay away from insect's breeding grounds such as woods and dimly lit areas. For treatment, remove the stingers punctured to the skin. Wash the affected area with rubbing alcohol. Use cold compress to reduce the swelling and relieve the itch.

Children's skin is more sensitive and vulnerable during the summer. By simply keeping you kids hydrated and cool, you can prevent these skin problems from occurring.


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