2 min read
22 Feb

Many Singaporeans have protruding bumps at the base of the big toes. These bumps are called bunions. It is a foot structure disorder that develops over time. It is a common foot disorder among Singaporeans, that is why most cases in orthopaedic clinics in Singapore involve bunions. There are lots of ways to treat this disorder, including bunion surgery which is widely available in Singapore. Are you at risk of developing bunions? 

Here are the people who are most likely to have bunions.

1 People With Relatives Who Have Bunions
A bunion is an inherited foot type. It means that if you have a close relative who has bunions, you are most likely to develop one. Most cases of bunions in orthopaedic clinics in Singapore involve genetic causes. If that is the case, you can only slow down the progression of your bunion. 

2 People Who Wear Poor-fitting Shoes
People who wear the wrong footwear are most likely to develop bunions. Women who frequently wear high heels and pointed shoes and sandals have a higher chance to have bunions than men. Although, men can still develop bunions if they wear tight-fitting shoes over time. Poor-fitting shoes hugely contribute to the progression of bunions. As much as possible, ankle specialists in Singapore recommend wearing comfortable footwear. 

3 People With Foot Problems
People with foot inflammatory problems such as rheumatoid arthritis, joint disease, and Achilles’ tendonitis are at risk of bunions. Bunions may develop in a foot with weak connective tissues. It is why ankle specialists in Singapore recommend using specialised foot insoles to prevent the recurring of foot problems as well as developing bunions. 

4 Elderly People
Elderly people have a higher chance of developing bunions simply because they might have worn poor-fitting shoes for a longer time than younger people and they are more prone to chronic foot injuries and conditions like rheumatoid arthritis. Fortunately, orthopaedic clinics in Singapore can perform bunion surgery to fix the problem. 

Are you one of the people who are at risk of bunions? Get your orthopaedic care at Specialist Orthopaedic Centre. Specialist Orthopaedic Centre provides comprehensive and state of the art foot and ankle surgery for Singaporeans.


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