1 min read
25 Oct

Cats are known for maintaining themselves, especially their fur and paws. You may catch your kitty licking their bodies now and then. But despite requiring less maintenance than dogs, your feline friend is not safe from a few health issues that need veterinary attention and pet supplements in Singapore.

Below are the four common illnesses cats experience and the ways to treat and prevent them through pet immune booster products:


Vomiting is the most typical health issue with cats. Hairballs and eating inedible, or worse, poisonous substances cause your kitten to drool, heave, and puke. Vomiting also links to other severe complications like diabetes and urinary tract disease. Thankfully, cat and dog probiotics are available in Singapore to reduce the signs of an upset digestive system.


Tapeworms also cause cats to vomit. Your kitty may get these parasites from ingesting fleas. Tapeworms grow up to 2 feet, but they appear as white, rice grain-like organisms in your furry pal’s stool when segmented. Veterinarians treat this condition through injections or pet gastrointestinal supplements in Singapore.


Fleas are also parasites that attack the outside of your feline’s body. They feed on their blood and make their skin their home, resulting in frequent scratching, licking, hair loss, and irritated skin. Numerous pet products target flea infestations. Some flea and tick spray solutions not only kill these pesky parasites but also repel them.

Eye Issues

Cats suffer from eye issues due to various reasons. It may result from debris on the surface of the eye or related to retinal diseases. Treatment for eye problems varies depending on the diagnosis of your veterinarian. They may recommend pet eye drops or surgery to fix your kitten’s condition.

Pet supplements from Singapore online pet shop Pet Health Global can help you treat and avoid these illnesses. Visit their website below to see their collection of safe and effective products that will keep your cat happy and healthy.



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