1 min read
10 Aug

Indeed, health is wealth. That is why in every hospital and clinic, each doctor has their speciality. It means that if you have foot problems, you would need to visit a recommended podiatrist in Singapore. If you are unsure what those foot problems can treat, this article will help you understand what condition they cand tend to.

  1. Fractures and Sprains

You might wonder why you should visit a podiatrist for these common conditions, right? You see, these may be common, but for athletes, this could affect their sports performance. With the help of a podiatrist, they can reduce the pain and hasten its recovery. 

  1. Bunions

Does your big toe have a bulging bump at its side? Chances are you have a bunion that could cause arthritis. To not help anything worse to happen, a podiatrist needs to perform a bunion surgery in Singapore.

  1. Heel Spur

This foot condition often occurs when you are wearing ill-fitted shoes or overweight. Usually, to prevent heel spur from happening, a podiatrist would prescribe you to wear custom insoles.

  1. Achilles Tendonitis

An Achilles tendonitis treatment in Singapore is also often for athletes. This procedure helps the heel bones to recover from ripping due to overuse of muscles.

  1. Nail Fungus

Do your toenails have thickened and discoloured to yellow-brown? If that happens, consider getting a nail fungus treatment. This procedure helps the new toenail grow free from infections, bacteria, viruses, etc.

  1. Corn and Callus

Although these foot conditions are not usually dangerous, it is still bothersome if they become too thick. To avoid discomfort from happening, make sure to wear custom insoles that perfectly fit your feet.

If you want to learn more about these foot conditions, better seek a reliable podiatry centre in Singapore like East Coast Podiatry Centre. Their recommended podiatrist can help you understand how their Achilles tendonitis treatment works.

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