Two months earlier, we bought our 5-year-old son his first bike. I bought mine too so I can teach him how to ride one and also because jogging after him down the street isn’t an option.
Right after we brought home the bicycles, we never missed a chance to explore on two wheels. After a few lessons and the days that followed, we finally got to bike our way to the bakery two streets away from our home and met a lot more neighbours along the way, most of them walking their dogs.
As we go on, I started showing him what he should do on his bike to keep him safe: stay to the side of the road, cross the street only when there’s no car approaching, and look behind to see if there’s any incoming car. However, the last one didn’t sound as easy as it seemed.
I can easily twist and tilt my neck down and to the side before. But, it occurred to me just now that it has quite been a long time since I did them freely and without feeling any pain in the neck. I once planned to consult a pain specialist in Singapore but to this day, out of my busy schedule, it’s never happened.
Maybe it was all those years that I’ve been reading to my child, holding him until he falls asleep and multitasking (e.g. answering calls while carrying him in my arms and with the phone caught in between my ears and shoulders) that made my neck, spine and lower back feeling tired most of the time.
When I finally got to consult a specialist and seek neck pain treatment in Singapore, I was told that there’s more to these parenting duties that cause my neck pain and believe it or not, the primary culprit is technology. Mobiles, laptops and tablets - they have all created a “looking-down culture” that forces the neck out of its normal position, constantly stressing the muscles up to the point it eventually locks up. This culture, as I was informed, will not only affect the neck, it can also eventually cause issues with the fingers, particularly thumbs, from the constant texting.
So, what’s needed are changes in how we use technology and here are some ways I think will help us adapt:
Be aware - It’s easy to forget about our neck’s health when you’re a parent. In fact, you practically forget looking after yourself when you’re a mom. So, awareness is important if you want to live healthier for longer.
Here are some tips to minimise the stress you put your neck in:
• Do more things at eye level
• Adjust your screens to a level you’re eyes and neck are comfortable with
• Check your pillow support. It should keep your neck properly aligned when sleeping
• Use a hot or cold compress for neck pain
Consult a specialist - For severe and consistent neck pain, it would be best to consult a specialist. In most cases, those that offer knee pain treatments also attends to neck pain and any other pain in the body. I’m glad I’ve made a visit to a specialist, he was able to address my concerns and provided me with adequate treatment.
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