2 min read
20 Aug

Osteoporosis is a natural occurring degenerative disease that affects bone mass or density. As people age, their bones weaken and become brittle-- osteoporosis. Everyone will experience osteoporosis. It typically starts at 50 years old. Osteoporosis can lead to other severe injuries, such as fractures, which may need Singapore orthopaedic surgery

Apart from visiting an orthopaedic clinic in Singapore regularly, doing these tips will prevent signs of osteoporosis at an early age:

  1. Vitamin D -rich and Calcium-rich Diet

Calcium is a mineral that builds bones and strengthens and protects them. Calcium also ensures that our muscles contract efficiently and improves the clotting ability of our blood. Calcium is commonly found in dairy products and fish. 

On the other hand, vitamin D improves the ability of the body to absorb calcium. Oily fish, eggs, and sunlight are good sources of vitamin D. 

If you want to lessen the likelihood of getting injured and visiting an ankle specialist in Singapore, include vitamin D and calcium in your diet. 

  1. Weight-Bearing Exercise

Weight-bearing exercises like climbing stairs, jogging, lifting light weights, pushups, and squats strengthens your bones and muscles. Weight-bearing physical activities make your body work against gravity. If you have osteoporosis, consult your orthopaedic doctor in Singapore for more suitable stretches. 

  1. Have An Adequate Amount of Sleep

Sleep deprivation increases the risk of having osteoporosis. According to studies, adult women with less than five hours of sleep daily have lower bone density. An adequate amount of quality sleep significantly impacts the overall health, from reducing the risks of cardiovascular diseases to depression. 

  1. Quit Smoking

The toxic chemicals found in cigarettes and e-cigarettes have been linked to many diseases such as cancers and heart diseases. It also increases the risk of bone density loss at an early age. Healing from procedures such as bunion surgery in Singapore is much slower and prone to infection if the person smokes. 

You can still do physical activities at an old age as long as you have strong bones!

Specialist Orthopaedic Centre provides orthopaedic procedures such as bunion surgery in Singapore. Visit the Specialist Orthopaedic Centre today.


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