2 min read
22 Mar

According to some studies, women are more prone to getting spider veins during their pregnancy. Pregnant women’s blood tends to increase which creates significant pressure on your blood vessels and results in your veins, even the small ones, swelling. But the good news is your spider veins aren’t harmful to your baby. In addition to that, the expansion of your uterus adds a little pressure on your weight and your veins.

Your spider veins may hurt you in the slightest way possible. If this happens, make sure to visit a spider vein treatment clinic in Singapore. While you’re at it, you might also want to try these hacks in treating your spider veins:

  1. Wear a compression hose. Some pregnant women try to wear a compression hose or stockings. This encourages smooth blood circulation and flows in your legs. It can also help prevent leg swelling.
  1. Get plenty of Vitamin C and Fibre. Vitamin C is good for strengthening blood vessels. Make sure to eat foods that are rich in Vitamin C and Fibre such as oatmeal, pineapple, citrus fruits, etc. These vitamins produce collagen and elastin that helps repair and maintain veins.
  1. Do not cross your legs. Another way of preventing your spider veins is not to trigger them. Resist your urge to sit cross-legged. 
  1. Exercising. Whether pregnant or not, exercising is one way of preventing your spider veins from popping up in your legs. Pregnant women may have a hard time doing these but it helps, according to a spider veins doctor in Singapore
  1. Elevate your legs. Elevating your legs from your sitting position, then switching to standing can also help. This helps your blood from your head to toe circulate smoothly.
  1. Visit a vein clinic. Nothing compares to seeking professional help. If your spider veins are excruciatingly painful, visit a vein clinic near you in Singapore. 

Your spider veins may drive you crazy. These are the usual and temporary side effects of pregnancy according to a spider veins specialist from Singapore. They will shrink and disappear postpartum when your blood falls back to normal. 

Cheng SC Vein and Endovascular treats spider veins and deep vein thrombosis for Singapore citizens. Contact Cheng SC Vein and Endovascular for your vein concerns.


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