1 min read
10 Nov

Hearing Aids: How It Works

Many are still curious about how do hearing aids truly work. There are two ways it works depending on what you use.


Analogue hearing aids convert sound waves into amplified electrical signals. Analog or adjustable hearing aids are programmed to fit the specific requirements of each user. The manufacturer programs the hearing aid to the specifications given by your audiologist. Hearing aids that are analogue or programmable have multiple programs or settings. You can adjust the program for different listening environments—from a tiny, quiet room to a crowded restaurant to vast, open venues like a theatre or stadium—with the help of an audiologist and a computer. All types of hearing aids can use analogue or programmable circuitry. Analog aids are typically less costly than digital aids.

You first have to determine the degree of your impairment with a hearing test at a reputable Singapore ear clinic before you get a hearing aid.


Before amplifying sound waves, digital aids turn them into numerical codes, analogous to the binary codes of computers. Because the coding also contains information on the pitch and volume of specific sounds, the hearing aid can be programmed to amplify certain frequencies more than others. Digital circuitry allows an audiologist to tailor a hearing aid to a user's specific demands and listening situations. These devices can also be programmed to focus on sounds originating from a specific direction. All types of hearing aids can employ digital circuitry.

You can get an ear impression done at your trusted Singapore ear clinic for the fit of your hearing aid. The Hearing Solution Group aims to provide comprehensive hearing and communication healthcare. They use the most up-to-date tests, technology, and therapy to develop, restore, or enhance hearing and central auditory perception. Contact them now to schedule an appointment.


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