2 min read
01 Oct

Because of osteopathic treatment centres here in Singapore, the needs of people who seek wellness for their physical and osteopathic concerns. In today’s Singapore where everyone is required to always be on the hustle, it cannot be avoided that some of us may feel the strain or might meet unfortunate accidents. With this, we would need to see the services of osteopathic centres to fix us right up.

Here in the city, some osteopathy centres offer a wide range of services. These services cater to the different needs of the public. Here are some of the services offered by osteopathic treatment centres in Singapore:

Cranial Osteopathy

There are osteopathy centres here in the city that offer this treatment called cranial osteopathy. Cranial osteotherapy, or craniosacral therapy offers a subtle, gentle and specific manipulation. This will help reduce the toll that the presence of stress and tension takes on our body. Cranial osteopathy can be executed to different patients from child to elderly. This can also be applied to treat a wide range of conditions. However, most of cranial osteopathy practitioners specialise in paediatrics, sports injuries and visceral osteopathy.


Aside from cranial osteopathy, of course, there are also osteopathic treatments as offered by osteopathic treatment centres here in Singapore. Osteopathy is more than you think. Aside from rehabilitation, this also revolves around diagnosis, treatment, and education for the right prevention of future disorders related to your complaints. One of its principles is the fact of how the musculoskeletal system is linked to the health of the body as a whole. Some osteopathy centres in the city combine conventional medical assessment and diagnosis that focuses on the natural healing processes of the body. In osteopathic centres, the use of medical or surgical procedures is, as much as possible avoided. 

Osteopathy & Physiotherapy for Pregnancy

Most of us who have not yet had it cannot just imagine the sacrifices that the mother has to do in order for her baby to survive for nine months. What is more, the ordeal of being in labour and bring out the baby into the world is just imaginable. With this, here are the ways on how osteopathic treatment centres in Singapore can help these mothers:

  • Pregnancy and its physical discomforts

  • The demands of labour

  • Recovery of the mother after birth

  • Pregnancy-related Oedema (swelling of calf and ankles)

  • Symphysis Pubic Pain (SPD) & Back pain associated with pregnancy

  • Pre and Postnatal exercise prescription

  • Continence issues

Osteopathic centres can also help with the discomfort the mother is experiencing. They can also help in preparing the mother for labour.

Here you have just learned some of the services that osteopathy centres in the city offer. Surely, the goings can get tough but with the right care like what osteopathic treatment centres can provide, you can become tough and keep on going. If you are still looking for the right osteopathic centre here in Singapore, try visiting City Osteopathy & Physiotherapy.

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