1 min read
07 May

For people suffering from bunions, it seems like bunion surgery is the only treatment available for them. And the idea of going under the knife can be daunting.

But in reality, bunions' treatment differs from one case to another. There is no one-size-fits-all treatment for every patient with bunions.

If you're planning to get your bunions treated to an orthopaedic clinic in Singapore, here are some crucial things you need to know!

Bunions Can Be Treated Without Surgery

Depending on the severity of the condition, bunions surgery can come in various forms. Mild cases can still be corrected with the right at-home treatment.

But for severe cases, bunion surgery is the only feasible treatment. To know which treatment is most appropriate for your case, you need to see an ankle specialist for professional advice.

Bunion Surgery Can Be Painless

There are certain cases wherein an ankle specialist will recommend minimally invasive surgery.

But for severe cases, anaesthesia will be administered before the surgery itself. Your ankle specialist will prescribe the necessary over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medicines you need once the surgery is done.

Bunion Recovery Will Be Easy

Once the surgery is done, your ankle specialist will provide you with all the instructions you need for a speedy recovery.

Depending on the severity of the surgery, an ankle specialist may prescribe you anti-inflammatory medicine and would ask you to take some time off to allow your wounds to heal.

Bunion Surgery Can Only Be Done One Foot At A Time

There’s a common misconception around bunion surgery that both feet can be operated on at once. When in reality, an ankle specialist would only recommend surgery one foot at a time.

This is because performing surgery on both feet could debilitate a patient. Your ankle specialist is likely to recommend getting bunion surgery one foot at a time.

Learn more about bunion surgery by visiting Specialist Orthopaedic Centre’s website.


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