2 min read
16 Oct

Ever since I was a kid, I felt insecure because of my flat nose. I sometimes got bullied because of it.  Even though I knew how to contour my nose using makeup, it is a hassle to doll myself up every day. So, I decided to look for aesthetic procedures that would help enhance my facial appearance. I eventually discovered this so-called “nose thread lift” in Singapore

What is Nose Thread Lift?

A nose thread lift is a non-invasive aesthetic procedure that uses either made of PDO (Polydioxanone) and or PLA (Poly Lactic Acid). These are thread-like materials that would be naturally dissolved by the metabolic processes of the body. Their effect lasts for about one to two years depending on the number of treatments you have taken. In my experience, mine lasted for more than a year. 

Choosing an Aesthetic Clinic for the Nose Thread Lift

I first discovered the nose thread lift through a close colleague of mine. She also got her nose fixed before, so she recommended me to go to this particular aesthetic clinic around Orchard Road. I decided to go along with her recommendation because I like the results when she got a nose thread lift. It doesn’t look like she got it fixed, so the results look natural. I wanted to achieve the same results, so the right decision was to try out the clinic that she recommended. 

When I first got to the clinic, I was met with accommodating staff. I got an appointment with one of the aestheticians, and I learned that their nose thread lift is better paired with their dermal fillers in Singapore. From what I learned from my aesthetician, they use fillers to give more volume on a high nose bridge. I found out that this is the trick to make the results look more natural. I have asked for before-and-after photos, and I liked how their previous procedures turned out. Because of this, I did not hesitate to invest in their nose thread lift. 

What I Experienced During the Nose Thread Lift Procedure

During the procedure, my aesthetician made sure to clean my face first to ensure there won’t be infections right procedure. After that, she did some measurements first to see how much threads are required. I was glad that right after all these procedures, a numbing cream was applied. Even though I knew it is a given that there’d be anaesthesia injected before the procedure starts, I felt more assurance when they spread on some numbing cream applied on my face. Once they started inserting the threads, I felt scared, but it didn’t feel painful at all. There was slight discomfort, but it was bearable. After an hour, the procedure was done! I was surprised by how fast that was. They assured me that the procedure will have minimal downtime, so I still went for a bit of shopping right after it. There was just some minor swelling on the treated areas, so it wasn’t a big deal. It is not too noticeable. 

When I got home, I checked out my nose again, and I was impressed by the results. There was a dramatic lift, and it didn’t look like I had gotten a nose job. Plus my nose tip now looks smaller but sharper. They made it look properly contoured, so my new nose complements my other facial features. What they said before that “one size does not fit all” in nose thread lifts was true. It’s like the procedure was tailor-made based on my natural facial features. They did a great job of making me look even better than before! 

I am glad I chose their nose thread lift + dermal filler procedure.  My new look made me feel more confident about myself. I am even planning to get one of their other face thread lift procedures in Singapore. I am starting to get wrinkles and fine lines, and I think that their face thread lift would help get rid of these ageing signs. I consulted my aesthetician about it, and she said that they have many options for their facelifts, so I can come back anytime to discuss it. 

Recommended Aesthetic Clinic in Singapore

If you are curious what is the name of the aesthetic clinic that I go to, it’s Shiro Aesthetic Clinic. I highly recommend their nose thread lift and dermal filler procedures because these aesthetic treatments helped me get a defined, sculpted nose. Moreover, they have the skill and expertise to make all the results of their procedures look natural. I have gotten so many compliments from my friends and family after the nose job. I have never felt more confident about myself than ever before.

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