1 min read
16 Jul

Most people have fears when visiting the doctor, and you might be one of them. Visiting an orthopaedic doctor in Singapore is not someone you should be scared of. Why? They will help you with the pain and discomfort you feel in your feet!

Whether you are visiting for an ingrown problem or a possible bunion, here are some steps to prepare for your appointment:

1. Recall the times you had feet pain

The first thing that an orthopaedic will do is ask questions about why you are visiting them. Tell them about the pain you are experiencing, the time you feel pain the most, and what you think causes it. This information will greatly help both of you to find a solution to your pain!

2. Bring essential documents

While an orthopaedic clinic in Singapore has the equipment to conduct X-rays or other diagnostic procedures, you might have recent documents, notes, and X-rays from your family doctor. If so, remember to bring them with you.

3. Wear comfortable clothes

It is important to dress according to the body part you are having trouble with. For instance, if you have an appointment with an ankle specialist in Singapore, wearing shorts would be ideal.

4. Your list of questions

An appointment with an orthopaedic is your chance to get professional advice. It is better than having to read articles filled with jargon. So, have a list of questions to ask and get an expert opinion about your feet condition.

5. Have a friend accompany you

To eliminate fears of going to an orthopaedic about a possible bunion surgery in the same Singapore clinic, consider asking someone to come with you. Seeing a familiar face might help ease your mind about your feet problems.

6. Stay in touch

As much as possible, you want to avoid going outdoors during a pandemic. Your orthopaedic doctor may be having teleconsultations. If so, ask them about their contact information in case you may need them again.

If you need a clinic in Singapore for orthopaedic surgery, go to Specialist Orthopaedic Centre!


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