1 min read
07 May

Blood flow is essential to keep a healthy life. Unfortunately, most people overlooked the importance of vein health. Your veins carry blood through arteries to your heart and the whole body. Can you imagine what will happen if your blood can’t have a proper flow? Well, you’ll develop varicose veins or deep vein thrombosis that can affect your daily life routine.

Now, how can you maintain your vein health to have a smooth blood flow in your body? Read further to pm how to keep your veins healthy with a vein doctor in Singapore

  1. Consume Fibre 

When you consume fibre, your digestive system will improve. If you have a bad digestive system, your veins will suffer. Hence, you need to eat foods rich in fibre, such as oatmeal, brown rice or avocado. Better yet, consult your vein doctor to know the foods applicable to your vein health. 

  1. Drink Water

Water is beneficial for many reasons. For your vein health, water makes your blood thinner, which means it will flow more easily. As a result, you’ll avoid varicose veins or deep vein thrombosis that cause a blood clot. 

  1. Stay Active

Indeed, it is hard to stay active when you have an eight-hour desk job. However, you need to be creative to stay active. Take short breaks to walk around to keep the blood pumping. This way, you will prevent varicose veins from developing. 

  1. Compression Stockings

Compression stockings help your muscle contract around the veins and help your blood move back toward the heart. Also, remember to keep your blood circulation active to prevent deep vein thrombosis or varicose veins. 

  1. Regular Check-up

It is always better to go to a vein clinic for a regular check-up on your vein health. Your vein doctor will detect health conditions that need attention immediately. This way, you’ll protect your vein health for proper blood circulation. 

For your vein health, go to Cheng SC Veins and Endovascular, a vein clinic in Singapore that will keep your blood flowing. Visit their website to consult with a vein doctor. 


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