1 min read
15 Jan

Have you heard about the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine in most Singapore patients today? It may also be your option to restore your well-being and correct your conditions naturally. Thus, you must make the most of your initial visit with your physician and prepare for these things on your first meeting with them:

Initial Consultation

Like any other medical check-ups, expect your appointment to start with a short talk with their centre representative. They usually begin by asking for your information for their record and safekeeping. Give them accurate and factual details about yourself as you only want to get the right traditional and herbal medicines prescribed for you.

History Check

It is also advisable that you prepare your previous medical records before visiting any TCM clinic in Singapore. Most of them will require you to share your past test results and diagnosis, current lifestyle, diet, and medications. Always be truthful with your shared details as these will help them determine effective treatment options for your condition.

Physical Test

Prepare yourself for some physical tests and examinations as you progress with your appointment. If you’re planning to get an acupuncture session for your fertility issues, then be ready with your tongue. They may request you to stick them out for their initial visual assessment and inspection.

Medical Diagnosis

After several talks and assessments, expect another discussion with your physician with regards to their diagnosis. These will include details on how you acquired your ailment and its possible complications when left untreated. Some TCM clinics may even require you to take several tests for a more accurate interpretation.

Treatment Planning

Lastly, wait for their advice and treatment recommendations to correct your health issue. These include traditional Chinese medicines, lifestyle adjustments, and diet changes. Some prominent centres like Thomson Chinese Medicine may also subject you to immediate acupuncture sessions in their Singapore clinic for your fertility problems. Check their website now to book an appointment with them today.


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