1 min read
11 Nov

Are you planning to get a skin tightening procedure in Singapore anytime soon? Aside from your budget, there are other things you need to prepare when you decide to see a specialist for your condition. Here are some details you must list down before leaving your home to their clinic:

Personal Information

It may sound unusual, but you shouldn’t forget about valuable information about yourself when you have finally decided to see a skin specialist in Singapore. Some clinics may request for some of your details for your records. They may also require you to provide several documents if it would be your first time to set an appointment with them. 


It will also help speed up the consultation process if you prepare a list of issues you want to subject to skin tightening and other treatment options. These may include your blemishes, unwanted scars, and bothersome wrinkles. You may also note the specific procedures you want to avail for their reference.

Health Conditions

Other than your common dermal problems, jot down your existing health disorders and ailments. You must inform your specialist about these illnesses before you confirm your pigmentation removal procedure in their Singapore clinic. It will ensure you from possible complications you might get after your treatment.


Do not forget to include the medications you take to treat your pre-existing conditions. It will protect you from possible allergic reactions and other health risks. You must consult your specialist about this when they prescribe you with recovery medicines to hasten the effects of your skin pigmentation removal procedure.

Care Products

Lastly, list down the different care products you use for your dermal issues and concerns. Your specialist needs to know about this if you’re planning to avail an exclusive health screening package offered in most Singapore clinics like Healthsprings Group. Learn more about this efficient treatment offer by checking their website here.


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