1 min read
08 Feb

Can’t decide yet whether you should visit an orthopaedic clinic in Singapore or not? Well, it might be your only option if your simple leg pain has worsened, and your immediate home remedies no longer work. Be ready to meet their experts soon by preparing for these first few things you should expect on your initial appointment with them:

One-on-One Consultation

Like any other medical appointments, expect your first orthopaedic clinic visit to start with a consultation with your doctor. It will involve a quick question-and-answer session, so prepare your answers on their possible queries. You may also raise your concerns during this part before you proceed further for the check-up.

Background Check

They will then proceed with your history check after the initial consultation. Your ankle specialist in Singapore will review your previous medical records, prescriptions, and lifestyle for their assessment. Hence, always provide them with accurate information for them to generate a correct diagnosis of your condition.

Initial Examinations

Moreover, prepare yourself for several physical and laboratory examinations as you confirm your initial visit to their orthopaedic clinic. Your specialist may ask you to move around their centre to determine any defect in your lower limbs. They may also request you to take several body scans and tests to know the reasons behind your condition.

Treatment Planning

As soon as they finish your diagnosis, they will speak with you again for their recommended treatment options. These may involve medications, therapy sessions, or surgical procedures to treat your condition. Best that you always consider their recommendations as you may be needing a bunion surgery operation in Singapore to ease your discomfort.

Follow-up Appointments

Confirm with your ankle specialist if they’ll require you to revisit them for your follow-up checks. Better yet, choose a reputable orthopaedic clinic in Singapore like Specialist Orthopaedic Centre to ensure that you’ll only get efficient treatment procedures for your leg conditions. Check their website now to learn more about their medical services.


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