2 min read
29 Mar

Every weekend I cycle as a form of exercise around the neighbourhood. As true to what most people say, injuries and minor accidents are inevitable when it comes to sports. Last year, I unexpectedly bumped into a large stone while cycling, which caused my bone dislocation. Luckily, I was with a friend when the accident happened. 

After that, he assisted me in my apartment. Before he called an orthopaedic clinic in Singapore, I requested that he must look for a reliable one because I didn’t want to compromise my health. Fortunately, the accident was bearable. I had minor issues like limited motions, which allowed my friend to take more time when looking for an orthopaedic clinic. 

Furthermore, allow my journey to guide you when looking for a reliable orthopaedic clinic in Singapore with a qualified foot and ankle specialist.  

Why did I look for the Best Orthopaedic Clinic?

My healing journey was challenging. In my case, I experienced limited motions, which prevented me from doing my daily routine. I knew that some minor side effects would come along the way. I didn’t expect that it would tempt me to give up. However, the orthopaedic clinic supported me through my healing journey. 

  • Understand the length of treatment
  • Follow safe recommendations
  • Managing side effects
  • Providing instructions
  • Continuous treatment is possible

My foot and ankle specialist was also compassionate about my condition. Admittedly, I was impatient because I wanted my normal routine back. My doctor was always patient. He even told me that most patients who have limited movements had a psychological effect too. 

Fortunately, he understood my physical and mental condition. See, looking for the best orthopaedic clinic in Singapore has a long-term effect on my healing journey. Therefore, I will show you what I considered when choosing my orthopaedic clinic. 

What Qualities did I look for in an Orthopaedic Clinic?

  1. Exceptional Patient Care 

The first thing I wanted to know is how an orthopaedic clinic takes care of the patient. I want to ensure that I would receive patient care with compassion and empathy from the nurses. So, I observed these when I arrived at the clinic. 

  • Times they dedicate therapy to their patient
  • Activities they provide
  • Maintaining and usage of facilities
  • Medical emergency solutions
  • Foot and ankle specialist availability
  • Nurse to patient ratio 

By observing this, I would know if the clinic was a reliable one. Even though my movements were limited, my mind was still sharp when pointing out essential details about a clinic. Hence, I still found a qualified orthopaedic clinic in Singapore despite my injury.

  1. Using Advanced Treatment Techniques and Facilities 

When I walked into an orthopaedic clinic, I also observed their facilities. If I noticed they use updated computers and the latest facilities, I concluded that the clinic was using advanced medical equipment and techniques. This way, my healing journey will be faster and more efficient. 

At this point, I’ve missed riding my bicycle during the weekends. So, I was eager to get treatment from my foot and ankle specialist. Just by looking around, I was available to pick the right orthopaedic clinic. To further know about the clinic’s medical practices, I inquired about it with the staff, nurses and other patients. 

  1. Specialised Services

Of course, I want a practitioner that specialises in orthopaedics rather than a general practitioner. In doing so, I would get the best opinions and treatments. The doctor would also accurately diagnose if I need orthopaedic surgery.  With specialised care, the orthopaedic clinic should have different practitioners. Make sure that the clinic will provide your specific needs with the help of professionals. 

  • Physical therapists
  • Occupational therapists
  • Foot and ankle specialist
  • Orthopaedic specialist
  • Psychologists
  1. Testimonials of Previous Patients

Another thing I considered is the testimonials of previous patients. I got to interview my sister, who also had her treatment in the said clinic. Well, luckily, she was satisfied with the service. However, she told me that it also comes with my determination and patience to heal. To make it easier, I asked my foot and ankle specialist the success rates of previous patients. This way, I would have a better understanding of their service. 

  1. With Qualified Therapists

Most importantly, I considered a clinic with qualified practitioners. It will ensure that I would get the best treatment. Here’s what I looked for in my foot and ankle specialist:

  • Bedside manner
  • Leadership skills
  • Approachable
  • Honest
  • Understanding and compassion 

Aside from the medical skills, traits are also crucial when looking for a therapist because emotional support can go a long way. 

Entrusting My Healing Journey

Getting back to my normal routine was not an easy journey. However, looking for a qualified orthopaedic clinic helped fast track my healing process. If you want to continue your daily routine, allow the Specialist Orthopaedic Centre in Singapore to heal you. Visit their website for a healthier body.

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