1 min read
09 Feb

One of the most common types of visible veins is spider veins, so it would not be a surprise that you know someone in Singapore with spider veins as well. It may have gotten you curious why some people are prone to develop it compared to others. Well, let this article feed your curiosity!

People Who are Prone to Get Spider Veins

A lot of factors come to play when it comes to developing spider veins, but it appears that these people are more prone to it.

1. Obese

Excess fat can place pressure inside the abdomen making it difficult for blood to travel from the legs to the heart. As a result, people who are obese are often the ones getting spider vein treatment in Singapore. So, monitor your weight regularly!

2. Pregnant

Similar to obesity, pregnancy also makes it difficult for blood to travel to the heart due to the baby’s growth squeezing the veins. When this happens, vein doctors will likely recommend that they stay active to promote optimal blood circulation.

3. Have hormone imbalance

With females having lower levels of testosterone, which benefits soft tissues that also lower risk of needing a vascular surgeon in Singapore, they are most likely to develop vein diseases. Although, these hormonal fluctuations can be controlled by maintaining a healthy lifestyle!

4. A family history of vein diseases

Genetics are also a risk factor in developing vein diseases. Gathering information about your family history would help in keeping your health in check and prevent the development of spider veins!

5. Inactive

Lastly, a sedentary lifestyle is a significant factor that can affect the development of spider veins. Continuing it will likely lead to the appearance of veins in your lower legs that will eventually lead you to be conscious of what you wear.

At Cheng SC Veins and Endovascular clinic, you can get the treatment from spider veins to deep vein thrombosis in Singapore! They have vein doctors who you can trust because they specialise in this field.

Set an initial appointment on their website today!


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