2 min read
30 Mar

A health screening in Singapore can discover many health conditions. Therefore, you can prevent it from developing as a chronic illness. As early as now, practice going to a medical check-up monthly. This way, you would know the health conditions that will help you in the long run. To maintain your health, continue reading this article on why health screening is helpful. 

  1. Check Your Heart 

Health screening for the heart includes blood pressure, blood tests, Electrocardiogram (ECG) and obesity tests. All of these will indicate heart disease, so cooperate with your doctor and nurses when you’re undergoing a heart medical check-up. 

  1. Monitoring Diabetes

In a health screening, they will also check your diabetes by blood sugar level test. You will need to be tested annually. Also, there are factors to consider, such as family history, age, lifestyle, etc. So, be honest with your doctor to give you an accurate diagnosis.  

  1. Ensuring Strong Bones 

If you are over 50 years of age, it is recommended to go for a monthly medical check-up. Advanced age has a greater risk of osteoporosis. Hence, contact your doctor to schedule a health screening package in Singapore to ensure strong bones.

  1. Women’s and Men’s Health

Health screening also focuses on women’s health issues, such as breast cancer screening, cervical screening test and other related tests. On the other hand, health screening also offers medical check-up for men’s health issues, such as prostate cancer.  

  1. Health Check for Older People 

When you get older, your health is getting more important. Hence, build a habit to go for a health screening annually or monthly. In this way, you’ll have a better health condition and a better lifestyle. Remember to cooperate with the doctors to get the best treatment. 

Looking after your health will help you build a better lifestyle and thus improve life productivity. To do so, visit Thomson Wellth Clinic for your health screening in Singapore. Contact them to book an appointment. 



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