1 min read
21 Oct

Building a family is not a rushed decision. The couple must be financially, emotionally, mentally, and physically prepared. After all, having a child is a lifetime commitment and responsibility of the parents. Mothers, amongst others, must be the most physically prepared as pregnancy, giving birth, and postnatal care in Singapore can be bodily demanding. The mum must ensure a safe and healthy pregnancy. They also have to manage pregnancy complications, like divarication of recti, post partum belly, and urinary incontinence in Singapore, whilst taking care of the infant. 

Here are some tips on how to prepare for motherhood:

  1. Preconception visit.

To determine you and your partner are physically, emotionally, and mentally ready for conception, you must consult your doctor first. In this stage, you will identify your and your partner's fertility issues. Reproductive health issues, such as PCOS; may hinder conception. Your doctor can help in sorting out and solving these issues. 

  1. Keep tabs on your cycle.

If you have no fertility and reproductive health issues, you may start tracking your menstrual cycle. By recording your cycle, you can determine which date lands on your fertility window. This way, you can schedule your lovemaking on your ovulation day or the day you are highly likely to get pregnant. 

  1. Skip birth control.

If you are taking birth control pills or any form of contraception, stop taking them in the meantime. Remember, you will not get pregnant immediately after discontinuing them. 

  1. Healthy diet and exercise

Eating healthy food, taking vitamins and supplements, and skipping alcohol and tobacco help your body prepare for a healthy pregnancy. 

Yoga and other forms of exercise will prepare you for giving birth and reduce your risk of developing severe divarication of recti, post partum belly, and urinary incontinence in Singapore after giving birth. Although you might still need diastasis recti exercises after. 

Your body undergoes tons of changes during pregnancy up to giving birth. Prepare yourself by having monitored preconception, pregnancy and postnatal care in Singapore. 

Orchard Clinic provides mums assistance to the extraordinary journey of motherhood. Visit Orchard Clinic today.


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